A repurposed drug that stops heart failure

The EpiCor Therapeutics drug has a known safety profile because it has been tested and approved for other conditions. It only needs to be given for approximately 8 weeks and is fast acting and effective at relieving the symptoms of heart failure.


EpiCor Therapeutics is a research group in Queen’s University Belfast working on a new treatment for heart failure. This treatment stops the development of heart stiffness and enlargement, allowing the heart to pump more effectively. This is expected to relieve animals of the symptoms of heart failure affording better quality of life and longer life expectancies.


Current treatments

Current heart failure treatments only treat the symptoms not the underlying problem and are mainly prescribed for long term use.

Only treat symptoms

Long-term use

Don't treat underlying problem

EpiCor Therapeutics Solution

Our drug stops heart stiffness and enlargement developing so relieves symptoms by halting the underlying condition. This means it extends life expectancies and improves quality of life for animals that suffer from heart failure. In addition, it is only given for 8 weeks every year, reducing veterinary bills. This gives animals more time to live normal and enjoy relatively clinic-free lives as well as reducing care costs whilst maintaining high levels of animal care.

EpiCor Therapeutics Team

Meet the EpiCor Therapeutics team and the experts leading our research.

Dr. Claire Tonry

Early Career Researcher

Dr Chris Watson

Principle Investigator

Our Partners & Funders


Are you in the Veterinary Industry? Please help us shape our heart failure treatment for animals. We need your help!


Learn more about our research!

Get in touch with our team today to register your interest and learn more about EpiCor Therapeutics innovative research.

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